Eagle Alert

鹰警报是足彩外围网站的紧急通知和安全咨询系统. 它用于向所有学生发送足彩外围网站紧急通知和安全咨询, faculty, and staff using the following information delivery methods:

  • Messages to Cal State LA email addresses
  • Text messages to mobile phones
  • Messages to the campus Guardian mobile app


在紧急情况下,短信通常是最好的沟通方式, 因此,我们鼓励每个人都在学生管理或人力资源系统中拥有一个手机号码,以便接收紧急短信.

在学生管理或人力资源系统中更改您的手机号码时, 此更改也将更新您在Eagle Alert系统中的信息.

If you have any questions, please email the Department of Public Safety or call (323) 343-3700.


足彩外围网站紧急通知将在紧急情况发生时发送, such as fires, earthquakes, 以及暴力行为或对生命构成迫在眉睫威胁的情况, health, or the safety of our campus community. 只有在仔细评估情况并确定情况严重到需要发出通知或定期进行系统测试之后,才会发送紧急通知. 这些信息将清楚地标有“加州州立大学洛杉矶紧急通知”.”

足彩外围网站安全咨询提供有关不会对生命构成直接威胁的紧急情况的信息, health, or safety of the campus community. These can include water main ruptures, poor air quality, 以及不会对生命构成直接威胁的执法事件, health, or safety. 这些信息将被清楚地贴上“加州州立大学洛杉矶安全咨询”的标签.”

Log into the myCalStateLA portal and click on the "GET" icon:

screenshot of Cal State LA portal

Click on "Phone Numbers".

Screen shot of where you enter your phone numbers

Click on "Add a Phone Number".

Screenshot of where to add your phone numbers

点击下拉菜单,选择“手机”,输入您的电话号码. 如果您希望这是您的首选号码,请单击复选框. When you are finished, click on "SAVE".

Log into the myCalStateLA portal and click on the "HRM" icon:

Screenshot of HRM Self Service

Employee Self Service Click on Self Service > Personal Information > Phone Numbers.

Screenshot of where to add phone number

员工自助服务添加电话号码点击“添加电话号码”. 如果需要更新当前的移动号码,请进行更改并单击“保存”。.

Screenshot of where to add your mobile number

Employee Self Service Mobile Phone Entry 点击下拉菜单,选择“手机”,输入您的电话号码. 如果您希望这是您的首选号码,请单击复选框. When you are finished, click on "SAVE". 注意:商务电话类型不能删除,它将在系统更新期间重新填充.

Frequently Asked Questions

鹰警是大学的紧急通知和安全咨询系统,旨在为学生提供快速可靠的大众通讯, faculty, 在紧急情况和影响大学的安全事件期间,使用电子邮件发送到足彩外围网站的电子邮件地址,并使用短信发送到手机号码. 鹰警报系统提供加州州立大学洛杉矶紧急通知和加州州立大学洛杉矶安全咨询.

当影响大学的紧急情况出现时,将发送加州州立大学紧急通知消息, including fires, earthquakes, 以及暴力行为或对生命构成迫在眉睫威胁的情况, health and/or the safety of our campus community. 大学还将定期使用加州州立大学洛杉矶紧急通知来对我们的应急准备计划进行测试,以确保系统正常工作.

足彩外围网站安全咨询信息将在紧急情况出现时发送,但不会对生命构成直接威胁, health or safety of the campus community. These can include water main ruptures, 空气质素差及执法事件,但不会对生命构成直接威胁, health or safety.

All currently enrolled Cal State LA students, faculty, 员工将收到足彩外围网站的紧急通知和安全咨询信息.

No. All currently enrolled Cal State LA students, 教职员工将自动加入鹰警报紧急通知和安全咨询系统,利用大学学生管理和人力资源系统中每个人的联系信息. 因此,个人核实自己的联系信息是很重要的.

Under the Information section above are instructions for Students, Faculty, and Staff to update their contact information.

There is no charge for the service, 但手机服务提供商可能会收取短信费. 请直接与您的移动电话提供商联系以获取您的具体费率和计费信息.

旧的紧急通知系统要求个人在系统中登记自己的信息, but that system resulted in very low participation, 让校园社区的许多成员无法收到时间敏感的紧急通知.

If you do not wish to be included in our Eagle Alert system, you can opt-out of receiving text messages. However, we strongly advise against opting out because in a time of crisis, it is important that we have every option available to reach you.

Also, 虽然您可以选择不接收发送到个人手机号码的短信, 您将继续在您的校园电子邮件地址收到紧急通知, 因为学校使用电子邮件作为官方沟通方式.

教职员工-如果您想选择不接收紧急和安全咨询短信, please contact Human Resources Management at 323-343-3694.

学生-如果你想选择不接收紧急和安全咨询短信, 将电话号码字段“Mobile”更改为“Main”或“Other”. 更新电话号码的说明可在“学生手机更新”的“信息”部分找到。.