Submitting Documents

students in lecture

Be aware: 如果你是现在(或以前)足彩外围网站的学生,足彩外围网站的成绩单 not need to be submitted to the Admissions Office.

学术成绩单/学术记录必须是最新的,并包括申请人所修所有课程的完整学术记录, grades received, honors received, and degrees conferred. 官方成绩单由发行教育机构准备并发送给足彩外围网站. If submitting paper/hard copies of official transcripts, 该文件应打印在发证机构的官方纸张/信笺上,并由机构密封在信封中. For electornic transcripts, see next section for details. 所有提交的文件将成为学校的财产,不会退还给您.

  • "Official" documents will be considered unofficial if:
    • 随附机构的信封在收到之前由招生办公室打开.
    • It is emailed (or uploaded) by the applicant to the Admissions Office.
  • Please do not fax documents to the Admissions Office; documents received via fax will be destroyed without review.

足彩外围网站(CSU洛杉矶分校)接受来自学校/学院的电子成绩单 Parchment/Credential Solutions, Naviance, National Student Clearinghouse and for some California Community Colleges, eTranscript CA. 如果你的学校使用不同的电子成绩单平台, please request for the electronic transcript to be sent to [email protected].

The University does not 接受申请人通过传真或电子邮件发送的与入学有关的正式文件/学术记录. 通过传真或电子邮件收到的文件可以不经审查而销毁.

据我们了解,某些国家只向学生颁发一份原始学术记录和/或学位证书. If you are in this situation, please do not 将你的原始记录提交给大学,因为它们将不会退还给你. We will accept copies for the initial review, 但是入学后你需要出示原始文件, prior to enrollment. If your educational institution does issue multiple copies of academic records to students, please plan to submit official, original copies to the University. No exceptions will be made. 所有提交的文件将成为学校的财产,不会退还给您.

申请人打开并提交的原始国际学术记录/成绩单不再被视为正式的. These records may be used for evaluation purposes, 但你也必须要求每所学校提供正式成绩单(包括评分表), college and/or university you have attended, 直接送到足彩外围网站招生办公室 & Recruitment. If your institution does not issue records in English, certified English mirror/direct, 逐字翻译(不是口译)必须与文件一起提交. To find a certified translator, visit, or go directly to the ATA search directory. WE DO NOT ACCEPT DOCUMENTS VIA FAX OR EMAIL.

如果您将通过邮寄或快递将外国/非美国的学术记录直接邮寄到足彩外围网站, please include a coversheet with your mailed packet. The coversheet must indicate your first name, last name, Cal State LA ID number (CIN), application term, and the specific academic program that you applied to. 邮寄的成绩单必须由签发机构密封在信封中.



如果你被录取了,并被要求向招生办公室出示你的原始学习成绩, please schedule an appointment. The meeting should not take longer than 30 minutes. After booking your appointment, 您将收到一封确认邮件,其中包含虚拟视频会议的链接. To help prepare for the appointment, we also ask that you upload your final academic documents 至少在预约时间前2个工作日.

国际申请者(那些需要F/J签证在美国学习的人 graduate/postbaccalaureate program with non-US academic records/transcripts are required 提交其国际记录(含该机构的评分标准),以及 ATA certified English word-for-word translation(s), 向下列外国资质评估机构申请 a Course-by-Course, Detailed Transcript Evaluation Report:

(请注意,从2024年秋季入学学期开始,我们也将接受来自以下学校的报告 NACES member agencies when accompanied by official transcripts.)

有关如何向这些机构提交外国学术记录的步骤,请访问 Foreign Credential Evaluation Report page. Please make sure you request the Course-by-Course, Detailed Transcript Evaluation Report offered by the respective agency; incorrect report types will lead to missed deadlines and the withdrawal of your admission application.


您必须要求将您的官方考试成绩直接发送到足彩外围网站. 您可以通过以下途径向相关考试机构在线索取成绩:

The College Board SAT

  • If you are only applying to Cal State LA, use the Cal State LA Code of 4399.
  • If you are also applying to other California State University (CSU) campuses, use the CSU Code of 3594 – this will allow any CSU campus to retrieve your score.

The College Board CLEP - from the school list, select "Manually enter institution" and then enter the following information:

     College/University Name: California State University - Los Angeles
     Street Address 1: 5151 State University Drive
     City: Los Angeles
     State: California
     Zip/Postal Code: 90032

ACT Records - use Cal State LA Code of 0320

Advanced Placement (AP) Scores - use Cal State LA Code of 4399

International Baccalaureate (IB) Results - send to California State University, Los Angeles

考试成绩仅在考试日期后两年内有效. 官方成绩必须由相应的考试机构直接发送到大学.

了解如何要求将官方考试成绩报告发送到足彩外围网站, click on the exam name:

  • TOEFL 请求报告发送到加州州立大学洛杉矶使用机构代码 4399.
  • IELTS 要求将电子或纸质(硬拷贝)报告发送至 California State University, Los Angeles.
  • Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic Send report to California State University, Los Angeles.
  • DuoLingo English Test (DET) – Request electronic report to be sent to Cal State LA via your online Duolingo Account.

By mail:
Cal State LA Admissions Office
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
United States of America
在这个时候,我们无法容纳亲自访问我们的办公室. 请计划通过指定的电子方式提交正式文件(或通过邮寄服务提交硬拷贝文件).
Admissions and Records Center
Student Services Building, 1st floor
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032


学生服务/行政大楼附近设有短期收费停车场. For more parking information, visit the Visitor Parking webpage.


The University does not 通过传真或电子邮件接收申请人的正式文件/学术记录,用于入学相关目的. 通过传真或电子邮件收到的文件可以不经审查而销毁.

所有提交给足彩外围网站的学术记录将成为大学的财产,不会被释放, or copied, 除非足彩外围网站因无法住宿而将申请重新定向到另一个加州州立大学校园.